LydiaSyft: A Compositional Symbolic Synthesis Framework for LTLf Specification

Compilation Instructions using CMake

System-wide dependencies

We assume the software will be built on a Ubuntu 22.04 machine.

First, install the following system-wide dependencies:

sudo apt install -y \
automake \
cmake \
gcc \
g++ \
libtool \
wget \

Install CUDD

0.1 Make sure CUDD is installed. CUDD can be found at:

0.2 Install CUDD:

./configure --enable-silent-rules --enable-obj --enable-dddmp --prefix=[install location]
sudo make install

If you get an error about aclocal, this might be due to either
a. Not having automake:
    sudo apt-get install automake
b. Needing to reconfigure, do this before configuring:
    autoreconf -i


0.3 Install flex and bison:

sudo apt-get install flex bison

Install LYDIA

The tool requires the installation of Lydia, which will be triggered by the CMake configuration.

However, if you want to install Lydia manually, you can co into submodules/lydia and follow the installation instructions in the

Install Z3

By default, the CMake configuration will fetch z3 automatically from the GitHub repository. In order to disable this behaviour, you can configure the project by setting -DZ3_FETCH=OFF.

In that case, you have to have the library installed on your system. To link the static library of z3, you have to install z3 manually:

cd z3-4.8.12-x64-glibc-2.31
cp bin/libz3.a /usr/local/lib
cp include/*.h /usr/local/include


For the graphical features (automata and strategy visualization), graphviz need to be installed:

sudo apt install graphviz libgraphviz-dev


  1. Make build folder so your directory is not flooded with build files:
mkdir build && cd build
  1. Run CMake to generate the makefile:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  1. Compile using the generated makefile:
make -j$(nproc --ignore=1) LydiaSyft

4.1. For solving LTLf synthesis with GR(1) conditions, please install slugs following submodules/slugs/

  1. Compile and Run tests:
make -j$(nproc --ignore=1) tests



LydiaSyft: A compositional synthesizer for Linear Temporal Logic on finite traces (LTLf)
Usage: ./cmake-build-debug/bin/LydiaSyft [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--help-all Expand all help
-p,--print-strategy Print out the synthesized strategy (default: false)
-t,--print-times Print out running times of each step (default: false)
synthesis solve a classical LTLf synthesis problem
maxset solve LTLf synthesis with maximally permissive strategies
fairness solve LTLf synthesis with fairness assumptions
stability solve LTLf synthesis with stability assumptions
gr1 Solve LTLf synthesis with GR(1) conditions

To see the options of each subcommand, run:

LydiaSyft [SUBCOMMAND] --help

Examples (run commands from the root directory of the project):

  • Classical synthesis:
./build/bin/LydiaSyft synthesis -f example/test.tlsf # UNREALIZABLE
./build/bin/LydiaSyft synthesis -f example/test1.tlsf # REALIZABLE
  • Maxset synthesis:
./build/bin/LydiaSyft maxset -f example/test1.tlsf
  • Fairness synthesis:
./build/bin/LydiaSyft fairness -f example/fair_stable_test.tlsf -a example/fair_stable_test_assumption.txt # REALIZABLE
  • Stability synthesis:
./build/bin/LydiaSyft stability -f example/fair_stable_counter_test.tlsf -a example/fair_stable_test_assumption.txt # REALIZABLE
  • GR(1) synthesis:
./build/bin/LydiaSyft gr1 -f example/GR1benchmarks/finding_nemo_agn_goal.tlsf -g example/GR1benchmarks/finding_nemo_env_gr1.txt -e example/GR1benchmarks/finding_nemo_env_safety.ltlf -a example/GR1benchmarks/finding_nemo_agn_safety.ltlf --slugs-path ./submodules/slugs/ # REALIZABLE


The software also provides C++ APIs. Here there is an example:

#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <lydia/parser/ltlf/driver.hpp>
#include "automata/ExplicitStateDfa.h"
#include "automata/ExplicitStateDfaAdd.h"
#include "automata/SymbolicStateDfa.h"
#include "game/InputOutputPartition.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "VarMgr.h"
#include "synthesizer/LTLfSynthesizer.h"
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
// define the formula and the input/output variables
std::string formula_str = "F(a | b)";
std::vector<std::string> input_vars{"a"};
std::vector<std::string> output_vars{"b"};
// parse the formula
auto driver = std::make_shared<whitemech::lydia::parsers::ltlf::LTLfDriver>();
std::stringstream formula_stream(formula_str);
whitemech::lydia::ltlf_ptr formula = driver->get_result();
// initialize the variables
std::shared_ptr<Syft::VarMgr> var_mgr = std::make_shared<Syft::VarMgr>();
// build the explicit-state DFA
Syft::ExplicitStateDfaAdd explicit_dfa_add = Syft::ExplicitStateDfaAdd::from_dfa_mona(var_mgr, explicit_dfa);
// build the symbolic-state DFA from the explicit-state DFA
// do synthesis
var_mgr->partition_variables(partition.input_variables, partition.output_variables);
Syft::Player starting_player = Syft::Player::Agent;
Syft::Player protagonist_player = Syft::Player::Agent;
Syft::LTLfSynthesizer synthesizer(symbolic_dfa, starting_player,
protagonist_player, symbolic_dfa.final_states(),
Syft::SynthesisResult result =;
std::cout << (result.realizability? "" : "NOT ") << "REALIZABLE" << std::endl;
return 0;
A DFA with explicit states and symbolic transitions represented in ADDs.
Definition: ExplicitStateDfaAdd.h:18
static ExplicitStateDfaAdd from_dfa_mona(std::shared_ptr< VarMgr > var_mgr, const ExplicitStateDfa &explicit_dfa)
Constructs an explicit-state DFA in ADD representation from an explicit-state DFA.
Definition: ExplicitStateDfaAdd.cpp:44
A DFA with explicit states and symbolic transitions.
Definition: ExplicitStateDfa.h:22
static ExplicitStateDfa dfa_of_formula(const whitemech::lydia::LTLfFormula &formula)
Construct an explicit-state DFA from a given formula using Lydia.
Definition: ExplicitStateDfa.cpp:35
A partition of variables into input and output variables.
Definition: InputOutputPartition.h:12
static InputOutputPartition construct_from_input(const std::vector< std::string > inputs_substr, std::vector< std::string > outputs_substr)
Constructs a partition from inputs.
Definition: InputOutputPartition.cpp:56
A single-strategy-synthesizer for an LTLf formula given as a symbolic-state DFA.
Definition: LTLfSynthesizer.h:15
A DFA with symbolic states and transitions.
Definition: SymbolicStateDfa.h:18
CUDD::BDD final_states() const
Returns the BDD encoding the set of final states.
Definition: SymbolicStateDfa.cpp:135
static SymbolicStateDfa from_explicit(const ExplicitStateDfaAdd &explicit_dfa)
Converts an explicit DFA to a symbolic representation.
Definition: SymbolicStateDfa.cpp:92
Definition: Synthesizer.h:16

Implemented Data Structures and Algorithm


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sudo apt install doxygen


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