LTLf Synthesis with Maximally Permissive Strategy

In this example, we will show how to use the LydiaSyft C++ APIs to solve LTLf synthesis with maximally permissive strategies.

The code for this example can be found in examples/05_ltlf_synthesis_maximally_permissive/ltlf_synthesis.cpp. To build this example, you can run make ltlf_synthesis_maximally_permissive_example.

#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <lydia/parser/ltlf/driver.hpp>
#include "automata/SymbolicStateDfa.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "VarMgr.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "Preprocessing.h"
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
// parse TLSF file
std::filesystem::path ROOT_DIRECTORY = __ROOT_DIRECTORY;
std::filesystem::path tlsf_file_test = ROOT_DIRECTORY / "examples" / "test1.tlsf";
auto driver = std::make_shared<whitemech::lydia::parsers::ltlf::LTLfDriver>();
Syft::TLSFArgs args = Syft::parse_tlsf(driver, tlsf_file_test.string());
std::cout << "TLSF file parsed: " << tlsf_file_test.string() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Starting Player: " << (args.protagonist_player == Syft::Player::Agent? "Agent" : "Environment") << std::endl;
std::cout << "Protagonist Player: " << (args.starting_player == Syft::Player::Agent? "Agent" : "Environment") << std::endl;
std::cout << "Input variables: ";
for (const auto& var : args.partition.input_variables){
std::cout << var << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Output variables: ";
for (const auto& var : args.partition.output_variables){
std::cout << var << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// build variable manager
auto var_mgr = Syft::build_var_mgr(args.partition);
std::cout << "Building DFA of the formula..." << std::endl;
Syft::SymbolicStateDfa dfa = Syft::do_dfa_construction(*args.formula, var_mgr);
std::cout << "Solving the DFA game (with maximally permissive strategies)..." << std::endl;
var_mgr->partition_variables(args.partition.input_variables, args.partition.output_variables);
Syft::LTLfMaxSetSynthesizer synthesizer(dfa, args.starting_player,
args.protagonist_player, dfa.final_states(),
Syft::MaxSetSynthesisResult result =;
if (result.realizability) {
std::cout << "Specification is realizable!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Printing the (maximally permissive) strategy in DOT format..." << std::endl;
var_mgr->dump_dot(result.deferring_strategy.Add(), "");
var_mgr->dump_dot(result.nondeferring_strategy.Add(), "");
else {
std::cout << "Specification is unrealizable!" << std::endl;
A maxset-synthesizer for a reachability game given as a symbolic-state DFA.
Definition: LTLfMaxSetSynthesizer.h:19
A DFA with symbolic states and transitions.
Definition: SymbolicStateDfa.h:18
CUDD::BDD final_states() const
Returns the BDD encoding the set of final states.
Definition: SymbolicStateDfa.cpp:135
Definition: Synthesizer.h:24
Definition: Utils.h:25

The code is similar to the classical setting, except that:

The header file is named synthesizer/LTLfMaxSetSynthesizer.h.