LTLf Synthesis with Environment Constraints

In this example, we will show how to use the LydiaSyft C++ APIs to solve LTLf synthesis with different kinds of environment constraints.

Fairness Assumptions

The code for this example can be found in examples/06_ltlf_synthesis_with_fairness_conditions/ltlf_synthesis_with_fairness_constraints.cpp. To build this example, you can run make ltlf_synthesis_with_fairness_conditions_example.

Follows the full code of the example:

#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <lydia/parser/ltlf/driver.hpp>
#include "automata/SymbolicStateDfa.h"
#include "VarMgr.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "Preprocessing.h"
#include "synthesizer/FairnessLtlfSynthesizer.h"
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
// parse TLSF file
std::filesystem::path ROOT_DIRECTORY = __ROOT_DIRECTORY;
std::filesystem::path tlsf_file_test = ROOT_DIRECTORY / "examples" / "fair_stable_test.tlsf";
auto driver = std::make_shared<whitemech::lydia::parsers::ltlf::LTLfDriver>();
Syft::TLSFArgs args = Syft::parse_tlsf(driver, tlsf_file_test.string());
std::filesystem::path assumption_file = ROOT_DIRECTORY / "examples" / "fair_stable_test_assumption.txt";
// build variable manager
auto var_mgr = Syft::build_var_mgr(args.partition);
std::cout << "Building DFA of the formula..." << std::endl;
Syft::SymbolicStateDfa dfa = Syft::do_dfa_construction(*args.formula, var_mgr);
std::cout << "Solving the DFA game with fairness constraints..." << std::endl;
var_mgr->partition_variables(args.partition.input_variables, args.partition.output_variables);
Syft::FairnessLtlfSynthesizer synthesizer(dfa, args.starting_player,
args.protagonist_player, dfa.final_states(),
var_mgr->cudd_mgr()->bddOne(), assumption_file.c_str());
Syft::SynthesisResult result =;
if (result.realizability) {
std::cout << "Specification is realizable!" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "Specification is unrealizable!" << std::endl;
A single-strategy-synthesizer for an LTLf formula given as a symbolic-state DFA, considering environm...
Definition: FairnessLtlfSynthesizer.h:22
A DFA with symbolic states and transitions.
Definition: SymbolicStateDfa.h:18
CUDD::BDD final_states() const
Returns the BDD encoding the set of final states.
Definition: SymbolicStateDfa.cpp:135
Definition: Synthesizer.h:16
Definition: Utils.h:25

Differently from the classical setting, now we can provide a set of fairness conditions. In the code above, assumption_file contains the path to the fairness assumption file examples/fair_stable_test_assumption.txt:


More in general, the assumption file is expected to be in CNF form, where each row, a space-separated list of propositions, is a clause of the assumption constraint. The declaration of the class Syft::FairnessLtlfSynthesizer can be found in the module synthesize/FairnessLtlfSynthesizer.h.

Stability Assumptions

The code for this example can be found in examples/07_ltlf_synthesis_with_stability_conditions/ltlf_synthesis_with_stability_conditions.cpp. To build this example, you can run make ltlf_synthesis_with_stability_conditions_example.

Follows the full code of the example:

#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <lydia/parser/ltlf/driver.hpp>
#include "automata/SymbolicStateDfa.h"
#include "synthesizer/StabilityLtlfSynthesizer.h"
#include "VarMgr.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "Preprocessing.h"
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
// parse TLSF file
std::filesystem::path ROOT_DIRECTORY = __ROOT_DIRECTORY;
std::filesystem::path tlsf_file_test = ROOT_DIRECTORY / "examples" / "fair_stable_counter_test.tlsf";
auto driver = std::make_shared<whitemech::lydia::parsers::ltlf::LTLfDriver>();
Syft::TLSFArgs args = Syft::parse_tlsf(driver, tlsf_file_test.string());
std::filesystem::path assumption_file = ROOT_DIRECTORY / "examples" / "fair_stable_test_assumption.txt";
// build variable manager
auto var_mgr = Syft::build_var_mgr(args.partition);
std::cout << "Building DFA of the formula..." << std::endl;
Syft::SymbolicStateDfa dfa = Syft::do_dfa_construction(*args.formula, var_mgr);
std::cout << "Solving the DFA game with stability constraints..." << std::endl;
var_mgr->partition_variables(args.partition.input_variables, args.partition.output_variables);
Syft::StabilityLtlfSynthesizer synthesizer(dfa, args.starting_player,
args.protagonist_player, dfa.final_states(),
var_mgr->cudd_mgr()->bddOne(), assumption_file.c_str());
Syft::SynthesisResult result =;
if (result.realizability) {
std::cout << "Specification is realizable!" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "Specification is unrealizable!" << std::endl;
A single-strategy-synthesizer for an LTLf formula given as a symbolic-state DFA, considering environm...
Definition: StabilityLtlfSynthesizer.h:21

The C++ API interface of Syft::StabilityLtlfSynthesizer is similar to Syft::FairnessLtlfSynthesizer, and it is declared in the header synthesizer/StabilityLtlfSynthesizer.h.

GR(1) Environment Specifications

The code for this example can be found in examples/08_ltlf_synthesis_with_gr1_env_spec/ltlf_synthesis_with_gr1_env_spec.cpp. To build this example, you can run make ltlf_synthesis_with_gr1_env_spec_example. This example also requires the installation of the slugs submodule (see the README for more information.)

Follows the full code of the example:

#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <lydia/parser/ltlf/driver.hpp>
#include "automata/SymbolicStateDfa.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "Preprocessing.h"
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
// parse TLSF file
std::filesystem::path ROOT_DIRECTORY = __ROOT_DIRECTORY;
std::filesystem::path finding_nemo_dir = ROOT_DIRECTORY / "examples" / "TLSF" / "GR1benchmarks" / "finding_nemo";
std::filesystem::path finding_nemo_1 = finding_nemo_dir / "finding_nemo_1.tlsf";
std::filesystem::path finding_nemo_1_env_gr1 = finding_nemo_dir / "finding_nemo_1_env_gr1.txt";
std::filesystem::path finding_nemo_1_env_safety = finding_nemo_dir / "finding_nemo_1_env_safety.ltlf";
std::filesystem::path finding_nemo_1_agent_safety = finding_nemo_dir / "finding_nemo_1_agn_safety.ltlf";
std::filesystem::path path_to_slugs_dir = ROOT_DIRECTORY / "submodules" / "slugs";
auto driver = std::make_shared<whitemech::lydia::parsers::ltlf::LTLfDriver>();
Syft::TLSFArgs args = Syft::parse_tlsf(driver, finding_nemo_1.string());
auto var_mgr = Syft::build_var_mgr(args.partition);
whitemech::lydia::ltlf_ptr agent_safety_formula = Syft::parse_formula(
whitemech::lydia::ltlf_ptr env_safety_formula = Syft::parse_formula(
std::cout << "Building the DFA of the formula..." << std::endl;
Syft::SymbolicStateDfa dfa = Syft::do_dfa_construction(*args.formula, var_mgr);
std::cout << "Building the DFA of the agent safety formula..." << std::endl;
Syft::SymbolicStateDfa dfa_agn = Syft::do_dfa_construction(*agent_safety_formula, var_mgr);
std::cout << "Building the DFA of the environment safety formula..." << std::endl;
Syft::SymbolicStateDfa dfa_env = Syft::do_dfa_construction(*env_safety_formula, var_mgr);
std::cout << "Solving the DFA game with GR(1) env assumptions..." << std::endl;
Syft::GR1 gr1 = Syft::GR1::read_from_gr1_file(var_mgr, finding_nemo_1_env_gr1.string());
var_mgr->partition_variables(args.partition.input_variables, args.partition.output_variables);
Syft::GR1LTLfSynthesizer synthesizer(var_mgr, gr1, dfa_env,
dfa, dfa_agn, path_to_slugs_dir.string(), "problem");
Syft::SynthesisResult result =;
if (result.realizability) {
std::cout << "Specification is realizable!" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "Specification is unrealizable!" << std::endl;
A single-strategy-synthesizer for an LTLf formula given as a symbolic-state DFA, considering environm...
Definition: GR1LTLfSynthesizer.h:24
Definition: GR1.h:52
static GR1 read_from_gr1_file(const std::shared_ptr< VarMgr > &var_mgr, const std::string &gr1_filename)
Stores a GR(1) condition.
Definition: GR1.h:109

In order to use the class Syft::GR1LTLfSynthesizer that implements LTLf synthesis with GR(1) environment specifications, besides the TLSF specification file, the following inputs are accepted:

  • the GR(1) condition file
  • the agent safety condition (optional)
  • the environment safety condition (optional)

The GR(1) file format is similar to the regular CNF format, such that every justice is represented as a conjunction over disjunctive clauses. Each justice is labeled with env or agn to refer to environment or agent justice respectively, and ended with end.

Consider GR(1) formula:

GF(p_1) & GF(p_1 & q_1) & ... & GF(!p_1 & (q_1 | q_2)) -> GF(q_1) & GF(p_1 & q_1) & ... & GF(!q_1 & (p_1 | p_2))

This formula is written as follows (variables in uppercase):

Q_1 Q_2
P_1 Q_1

The agent and environment safety condition are simply LTLf formulas. Both can be transformed into DFAs and provided as input to the Syft::GR1LTLfSynthesizer class. Its declaration can be found in the module GR1LTLfSynthesizer.h.