Syft::VarMgr Class Reference

A dictionary that maps variable names to indices and vice versa. More...

#include <VarMgr.h>

Public Member Functions

 VarMgr ()
 Constructs a VarMgr with no variables.
void create_named_variables (const std::vector< std::string > &variable_names)
 Creates BDD variables and associates each with a name. More...
std::size_t create_state_variables (std::size_t variable_count)
 Creates and stores state variables. More...
std::size_t create_product_state_space (const std::vector< std::size_t > &automaton_ids)
 Registers a new automaton ID associated with a product state space. More...
CUDD::BDD state_variable (std::size_t automaton_id, std::size_t i) const
 Returns the i-th state variable for a given automaton.
CUDD::BDD state_vector_to_bdd (std::size_t automaton_id, const std::vector< int > &state_vector) const
 Converts a state vector to a BDD. More...
void partition_variables (const std::vector< std::string > &input_names, const std::vector< std::string > &output_names)
 Partitions the named variables between inputs and outputs. More...
std::shared_ptr< CUDD::Cudd > cudd_mgr () const
 Returns the CUDD manager used to create the variables.
CUDD::BDD name_to_variable (const std::string &name) const
 Returns the index of the variable with the given name.
std::string index_to_name (int index) const
 Returns the name of the variable at index index.
std::size_t total_variable_count () const
 Returns the total number of variables, including named and state.
std::size_t total_state_variable_count () const
 Returns the total number of state variables.
std::size_t state_variable_count (std::size_t automaton_id) const
 Returns the number of state variables for a given automaton.
std::size_t input_variable_count () const
 Returns the number of input variables.
std::size_t output_variable_count () const
 Returns the number of output variables.
CUDD::BDD input_cube () const
 Returns a BDD formed by the conjunction of all input variables.
CUDD::BDD output_cube () const
 Returns a BDD formed by the conjunction of all output variables.
CUDD::BDD state_variables_cube (std::size_t automaton_id) const
 Returns a BDD formed by the conjunction of all state variables of automaton automaton_id.
std::vector< int > make_eval_vector (std::size_t automaton_id, const std::vector< int > &state_vector) const
 Creates a valid input to CUDD::BDD::Eval. More...
std::vector< int > make_state_eval_vector (std::size_t automaton_id, const std::vector< int > &state_vector) const
 Creates a valid input to CUDD::BDD::Eval. More...
std::vector< CUDD::BDD > make_compose_vector (std::size_t automaton_id, const std::vector< CUDD::BDD > &state_bdds) const
 Creates a valid input to CUDD::BDD::VectorCompose. More...
std::vector< std::string > variable_labels () const
 Returns a vector with a label for each variable. More...
std::vector< std::string > input_variable_labels () const
 Returns a vector with a label for each input variable. More...
std::vector< std::string > output_variable_labels () const
 Returns a vector with a label for each output variable. More...
std::vector< std::string > state_variable_labels (std::size_t automaton_id) const
 Returns a vector with a label for each state variable. More...
void dump_dot (const CUDD::ADD &add, const std::string &filename) const
 Saves an ADD in a .dot file. More...
void dump_dot (const std::vector< CUDD::ADD > &adds, const std::vector< std::string > &function_labels, const std::string &filename) const
 Saves ADDs to a .dot file with corresponding labels. More...
std::size_t automaton_num () const
 Returns the number of DFAs the manager handles.
std::string bdd_to_string (const CUDD::BDD &bdd) const
 Prints a BDD as a Boolean formula, where each variable has a specific label. More...
std::size_t create_complement_state_space (const std::size_t automaton_id)
 Create the state space when complementing a DFA.

Detailed Description

A dictionary that maps variable names to indices and vice versa.

Member Function Documentation

◆ bdd_to_string()

std::string Syft::VarMgr::bdd_to_string ( const CUDD::BDD &  bdd) const

Prints a BDD as a Boolean formula, where each variable has a specific label.

Agiven BDD.
A string that represents a Boolean formula.

◆ create_named_variables()

void Syft::VarMgr::create_named_variables ( const std::vector< std::string > &  variable_names)

Creates BDD variables and associates each with a name.

variable_namesThe names of the variables to create. A new variable is only created if a variable by that name does not already exist.

◆ create_product_state_space()

std::size_t Syft::VarMgr::create_product_state_space ( const std::vector< std::size_t > &  automaton_ids)

Registers a new automaton ID associated with a product state space.

This function does not create new state variables. Instead, the variables associated with the new ID are the union of all variables for the automata that form the product.

automaton_idsA vector of automaton IDs all of which must already exist in the manager.
The automaton ID for the automaton formed by taking the product of the automata whose IDs were provided in automaton_ids.

◆ create_state_variables()

std::size_t Syft::VarMgr::create_state_variables ( std::size_t  variable_count)

Creates and stores state variables.

Multiple calls of this function create separate groups of state variables. The call generates an ID for the automaton whose state space the variables represent, so that the correct group of variables can be retrieved later.

variable_countThe number of state variables to create.
The automaton ID the variables are associated with.

◆ dump_dot() [1/2]

void Syft::VarMgr::dump_dot ( const CUDD::ADD &  add,
const std::string &  filename 
) const

Saves an ADD in a .dot file.

Uses ADD for better visualization in the .dot file. To call with a BDD, use dump_dot(bdd.Add(), filename).

AnADD add and filename.

◆ dump_dot() [2/2]

void Syft::VarMgr::dump_dot ( const std::vector< CUDD::ADD > &  adds,
const std::vector< std::string > &  function_labels,
const std::string &  filename 
) const

Saves ADDs to a .dot file with corresponding labels.

addsA vector of ADDs to be saved to file.
function_labelsA vector such that function_labels[i] contains the label for adds[i]. The labels appear above the corresponding ADD in the file.
filenameThe name of the .dot file.

◆ input_variable_labels()

std::vector< std::string > Syft::VarMgr::input_variable_labels ( ) const

Returns a vector with a label for each input variable.

To be used with CUDD::Cudd::DumpDot.

A vector v such that v[i] contains the name of the i-th input variable.

◆ make_compose_vector()

std::vector< CUDD::BDD > Syft::VarMgr::make_compose_vector ( std::size_t  automaton_id,
const std::vector< CUDD::BDD > &  state_bdds 
) const

Creates a valid input to CUDD::BDD::VectorCompose.

automaton_idThe ID of the automaton whose variables to use.
state_bddsA vector containing one BDD for each state variable of the automaton.
A vector with one position for each BDD variable, including both named and state variables, where the index corresponding to the i-th state variable of the requested automaton contains state_bdds[i]. Indices corresponding to other variables have the identity BDD for that variable.

◆ make_eval_vector()

std::vector< int > Syft::VarMgr::make_eval_vector ( std::size_t  automaton_id,
const std::vector< int > &  state_vector 
) const

Creates a valid input to CUDD::BDD::Eval.

automaton_idThe ID of the automaton whose variables to use.
state_vectorA vector of 1s and 0s encoding a state's binary representation.
A vector with one position for each BDD variable, including both named and state variables, where the index corresponding to the i-th state variable of the requested automaton contains state_vector[i]. Indices corresponding to other variables have a 0.

◆ make_state_eval_vector()

std::vector< int > Syft::VarMgr::make_state_eval_vector ( std::size_t  automaton_id,
const std::vector< int > &  state_vector 
) const

Creates a valid input to CUDD::BDD::Eval.

automaton_idThe ID of the automaton whose variables to use.
state_vectorA vector of 1s and 0s encoding a state's binary representation.
A vector with one position for each BDD variable, including only state variables, where the index corresponding to the i-th state variable of the requested automaton contains state_vector[i]. Indices corresponding to other variables have a 0.

◆ output_variable_labels()

std::vector< std::string > Syft::VarMgr::output_variable_labels ( ) const

Returns a vector with a label for each output variable.

To be used with CUDD::Cudd::DumpDot.

A vector v such that v[i] contains the name of the i-th output variable.

◆ partition_variables()

void Syft::VarMgr::partition_variables ( const std::vector< std::string > &  input_names,
const std::vector< std::string > &  output_names 

Partitions the named variables between inputs and outputs.

input_namesThe names of the variables that should be considered inputs.
output_namesThe names of the variables that should be considered outputs.

◆ state_variable_labels()

std::vector< std::string > Syft::VarMgr::state_variable_labels ( std::size_t  automaton_id) const

Returns a vector with a label for each state variable.

To be used with CUDD::Cudd::DumpDot.

A vector v such that v[i] has a label for the i-th state variable. The label is the same as the one used in variable_labels().

◆ state_vector_to_bdd()

CUDD::BDD Syft::VarMgr::state_vector_to_bdd ( std::size_t  automaton_id,
const std::vector< int > &  state_vector 
) const

Converts a state vector to a BDD.

automaton_idThe ID of the automaton whose variables to use.
state_vectorA vector of 1s and 0s encoding a state's binary representation.
A BDD representing a conjunction (l_1 & l_2 & ... & l_n) where l_i = !x_i if state_vector[i] = 0 and l_i = x_i otherwise, where x_i is the i-th state variable of the automaton with the given ID.

◆ variable_labels()

std::vector< std::string > Syft::VarMgr::variable_labels ( ) const

Returns a vector with a label for each variable.

To be used with CUDD::Cudd::DumpDot.

A vector v such that v[i] has a label for the variable with index i. For named variables the label is the variable's name. For state variables the label is a representation that indicates which automaton the variable is from and which bit of the state it represents.

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