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pylogics is a Python package to parse and manipulate several logic formalisms, with a focus on temporal logics.

⚠ This library is in early development, and the API might be broken frequently or may contain bugs 🐛.

⚠ Docs are not thorough and might be inaccurate. Apologies.


For example, consider Propositional Logic. The following code allows you to parse a propositional logic formula \phi = (a \wedge b) \vee (c \wedge d):

from pylogics.parsers import parse_pl
formula = parse_pl("(a & b) | (c & d)")
The object referenced by formula is an instance of Formula. Each instance of Formula is associated with a certain logic formalism. You can read it by accessing the logic attribute:
which returns an instance of the Enum class pylogics.syntax.base.Logic.

We can evaluate the formula on a propositional interpretation. First, import the function evaluate_pl:

from import evaluate_pl

evaluate_pl takes in input an instance of Formula, with formula.logic equal to Logic.PL, and a propositional interpretation I in the form of a set of strings or a dictionary from strings to booleans.

  • when a set is given, each symbol in the set is considered true; if not, it is considered false.
  • when a dictionary is given, the value of the symbol in the model is determined by the boolean value in the dictionary associated to that key. If the key is not present, it is assumed to be false.

For example, say we want to evaluate the formula over the model \mathcal{I}_1 = \{a\}. We have \mathcal{I}_1 \not\models \phi:

evaluate_pl(formula, {'a'})  # returns False

Now consider \mathcal{I}_2 = \{a, b\}. We have \mathcal{I}_2 \models \phi:

evaluate_pl(formula, {'a', 'b'})  # returns True

Alternatively, we could have written:

evaluate_pl(formula, {'a': True, 'b': True, 'c': False})  # returns True
The value for d is assumed to be false, since it is not in the dictionary.

Other logics

Currently, the package provides support for:

We consider the variants of these formalisms that also works for empty traces; hence (Brafman et al., 2018) is a better reference for the supported logics. More details will be provided in the next sections.