
This guide will show you some examples of use of the package.

Formal definition of an automaton

Formally, a (deterministic finite) automaton \mathcal{A} (DFA, see Chapter 2 of [1]) is defined as:

\mathcal{A} = \langle Q, \Sigma, q_0, F, \delta\rangle


  • Q is the (non-empty) finite set of states;
  • \Sigma is the set of symbols;
  • q_0 \in Q is the initial state:
  • F \subseteq Q is the set of accepting states;
  • \delta: Q \times \Sigma \to Q is the transition function.

Example: even number of 0's and 1's

Let's design a (deterministic) finite automaton that consider the following language:

All the binary strings such that they have an even number of 0's and 1's.

An automaton that accepts that language is the following:

in particular:

  • the set of states q = \{q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3\}
  • the alphabet \sigma = \{0, 1\}
  • the initial state q_0
  • the set of accepting states F = \{q_0\}
  • the transition \delta defined as follows:
    • for q_0: \delta(q_0, 0) = q_2 and \delta(q_0, 1) = q_1
    • for q_1: \delta(q_1, 0) = q_3 and \delta(q_1, 1) = q_0
    • for q_2: \delta(q_2, 0) = q_0 and \delta(q_2, 1) = q_3
    • for q_3: \delta(q_3, 0) = q_2 and \delta(q_3, 1) = q_1

Using Pythomata

The definition in Pythomata is straightforward, since there's a one-to-one mapping to code.

the set of states Q:

states = {"q0", "q1", "q2", "q3"}

the alphabet \sigma (i.e. a set of symbols):

alphabet = {"0", "1"}

the initial state q_0:

initial_state = "q0"

the set of accepting states F:

accepting_states = {"q0"}

the transition function \delta is defined as a nested dictionary:

transition_function = {
    "q0": {
        "0": "q2",
        "1": "q1",
    "q1": {
        "0": "q3",
        "1": "q0",
    "q2": {
        "0": "q0",
        "1": "q3",
    "q3": {
        "0": "q1",
        "1": "q2",

Now we can instantiate a SimpleDFA object:

automaton = SimpleDFA(

We can inspect the structure of the automaton:

# {"q0", "q1", "q2", "q3"}
# "q0"
# {'q0'}
{('q0', '0', 'q2'),
 ('q0', '1', 'q1'),
 ('q1', '0', 'q3'),
 ('q1', '1', 'q0'),
 ('q2', '0', 'q0'),
 ('q2', '1', 'q3'),
 ('q3', '0', 'q1'),
 ('q3', '1', 'q2')}

The attribute automaton.alphabet is an instance of the Alphabet class.

# 2
# ['0', '1']

Now we can check word membership with the accepts method:

automaton.accepts("")         # True
automaton.accepts("0")        # False - only one '0'
automaton.accepts("1")        # False - only one '1'
automaton.accepts("00")       # True
automaton.accepts("11")       # True
automaton.accepts("01" * 42)  # True


Pythomata lets you render the automata by using the graphviz package. Please check the installation section to know what you need to install.

Assuming you executed the previous code:

digraph = automaton.to_graphviz()
# Now `digraph` is a `graphviz.dot.Digraph` object.

Check your current working directory, you should find a file called my-even-01-automaton.svg: