Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBaseRunnerBase class for running a synthesis algorithm
 CParserA parser for reading LTLf synthesis benchmarks in TLSF format
 CExplicitStateDfaA DFA with explicit states and symbolic transitions
 CExplicitStateDfaAddA DFA with explicit states and symbolic transitions represented in ADDs
 CSymbolicStateDfaA DFA with symbolic states and transitions
 CBuchiReachabilityA single-strategy-synthesizer for a Buchi-reachability game given as a symbolic-state DFA
 CcoBuchiReachabilityA single-strategy-synthesizer for a coBuchi-reachability game given as a symbolic-state DFA
 CcoGR1ReachabilityA single-strategy-synthesizer for a Buchi-reachability game given as a symbolic-state DFA
 CDfaGameSynthesizerA synthesizer for a game whose arena is a symbolic-state DFA
 CInputOutputPartitionA partition of variables into input and output variables
 CQuantificationAbstract class representing a quantification operation on BDDs
 CNoQuantificationPerforms no quantification
 CForallPerforms universal quantification
 CExistsPerforms existential quantification
 CForallExistsPerforms both universal and existential quantification
 CExistsForallPerforms both universal and existential quantification
 CReachabilityA single-strategy-synthesizer for a reachability game given as a symbolic-state DFA
 CReachabilityMaxSetA maxset-strategy-synthesizer for a reachability game given as a symbolic-state DFA
 CTransducerA symbolic tranducer representing a winning strategy for a game
 CSmtOneStepRealizabilityVisitorImplementation of the one-step realizability check using Z3
 CSmtOneStepUnrealizabilityVisitorImplementation of the one-step unrealizability check using Z3
 CStopwatchStopwatch for timing executions
 CFairnessLtlfSynthesizerA single-strategy-synthesizer for an LTLf formula given as a symbolic-state DFA, considering environment simple Fairness assumption. The simple Fairness assumption is in the form of GF\alpha, where \alpha is a Boolean formula over environment variables
 CGR1LTLfSynthesizerA single-strategy-synthesizer for an LTLf formula given as a symbolic-state DFA, considering environment GR(1) assumption. Additionally, one can also add safety conditions to both the environment and the agent, utilizing LTLf formulas
 CLTLfMaxSetSynthesizerA maxset-synthesizer for a reachability game given as a symbolic-state DFA
 CLTLfSynthesizerA single-strategy-synthesizer for an LTLf formula given as a symbolic-state DFA
 CStabilityLtlfSynthesizerA single-strategy-synthesizer for an LTLf formula given as a symbolic-state DFA, considering environment simple Stability assumption. The simple Stability assumption is in the form of FG\alpha, where \alpha is a Boolean formula over environment variables
 CSynthesizerAbstract class for synthesizers
 CVarMgrA dictionary that maps variable names to indices and vice versa