| Printer (bool print_strategy, bool print_times, std::ostream &out) |
void | dump_transducer_if_enabled (const Transducer &transducer, const std::string &output_file="strategy.dot") const |
void | dump_add_if_enabled (const std::shared_ptr< VarMgr > &var_mgr, const CUDD::ADD &add, const std::string &output_file) const |
void | dump_maxset_if_enabled (const LTLfMaxSetSynthesizer &maxset_synthesizer, const MaxSetSynthesisResult &maxset_strategy, const std::string &def_strategy_output_file="def_strategy.dot", const std::string &nondef_strategy_output_file="nondef_strategy.dot") const |
void | print_times_if_enabled (const std::string &message, std::chrono::milliseconds time) const |
void | print_realizable () const |
void | print_unrealizable () const |
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